Small Cat Like Wild Animal That Looks Like a Racoon

Small Cat Like Wild Animal That Looks Like a Racoon

I am a blogger from Southern Oklahoma who loves to write about nature and animals.

North America is home to six species of wildcats—bobcats, lynx, ocelots, cougars, jaguars, and jaguarundis—all of which are considered native to North America.

With more and more of their natural habitat disappearing, wildcats—equally well as many other types of wildlife—are coming in closer contact with human being. In this article, you volition learn all about the wildcats of North America, from specs similar size and weight to fun facts about what makes these cats unique.

Note: The post-obit sizes and weights refer to adult males.

The bobcat is the most commonly known wildcat in North America. Here's one in Yosemite National Park.

The bobcat is the most commonly known mutiny in Northward America. Here's one in Yosemite National Park.

1. Bobcat (Lynx rufus)

Diet: rabbits, mice, squirrels, reptiles and fowl (including farmers' chickens)

Size: 26–41 inches long (minus the tail, which is 4–7 inches)

Weight: xi–30 pounds

Average Life Span in the Wild: 10–12 years

Range: from southern Canada through most of Mexico

Physical Description: The bobcat and the Canadian lynx are sometimes thought of as the same animal. They are both of the same family simply they belong to different species. The bobcat is about twice the size of the average house cat, with long legs, large paws and black-tufted ears. They get their name from their short, black-tipped tail, which appears to exist "bobbed" or cut off.

Conservation Status: Least Concern (i.eastward. does non authorize as threatened or most threatened), population stable

Bobcats are nocturnal animals and are rarely seen past humans. They inhabit woodlands, forest areas and swamp lands, as well equally some semi-arid areas. Some scientists speculate that the "tufts" of their ears are used similar hearing aids.

Due to their proclivity for eating the farmer'southward chickens, they are often regarded every bit a nuisance and are shot past farmers. Many hunters will also kill bobcats as they swallow the quail, pheasant and chukar that many hunters shoot for sport.

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2. Canadian Lynx (Lynx canadensis)

Diet: mostly snowshoe hares, but likewise mice, cerise squirrels, voles and grouse

Size: 32–40 inches long (minus the tail, which is four–viii inches)

Weight: 22–44 pounds

Average Life Span in the Wild: upward to 15 years

Range: Canada and the northern United States

Physical Description: The Canada lynx is about the same size as the bobcat—though the lynx has more pilus, specially around the face and feet to keep them warmer in the colder climate. Both species have tufted ears and a bobbed, black-tipped tail besides. Their feet are used as "snowfall shoes" and are larger and hairier than a bobcat'southward for added insulation from the cold and snowfall.

Conservation Status: Least Concern, population stable

The lynx is actually the bobcat's "cold weather" cousin. In that location are several species of lynx. The Asian and European lynxes are larger that the N American species, the Canada lynx.

As the proper name would advise, Canada lynx are generally found in Canada, though they also inhabit some of the colder parts of the US. They inhabit mainly forest and tundra regions, and they know how to make the most of their environment; in gild to relieve their prey to eat later, Canada lynxes will frequently cover it with a layer of snow!

The Canada lynxes' diet consists mainly of snowshoe hares. There is a correlation between the number of snowshoe hares and the population of lynx. As the number of snowshoe hares pass up, then practise the number of lynx. The larger Eurasian lynx will hunt deer also as smaller animals.

The ocelot is sometimes called the painted leopard.

The ocelot is sometimes called the painted leopard.

three. Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)

Nutrition: birds, mammals (from rodents to small monkeys), frogs and reptiles

Size: 22–39 inches long (minus the tail, which is 10–16 inches)

Weight: 24–35 pounds

Average Life Span in the Wild: 7–ten years

Range: primarily from United mexican states through northern Southward America, with very few specimens in southernmost Texas and Arizona

Physical Description: The ocelot has short, tawny or reddish-brown fur with black spots and rosette-shaped markings. Their faces take two black stripes down each side (running from the cage and optics back toward the neck) and their tails have blackness bands.

Conservation Status: Least Business organisation, population decreasing. Though ocelots are listed every bit "Least Concern" on the IUCN Red Listing, they are endangered in the United States. At i fourth dimension, they could be plant throughout the southwestern parts of the land; all the same, due to their beautifully spotted fur, they were illegally hunted to the indicate that their only remaining footholds in the US are in a few small, southernmost areas of Texas and Arizona.

The ocelot is sometimes called the "Painted Leopard" or "Dwarf Leopard". They can ofttimes exist found in copse, stalking their prey, and unlike about other cats, ocelots don't mind the water and can swim very well. They are primarily nocturnal, lonely animals.

Cougars are known by many names, such as mountain lion, puma, and panther.

Cougars are known past many names, such equally mountain panthera leo, puma, and panther.

4. Mountain Panthera leo (Felis concolor or Puma concolor)

Diet: preferably deer, but too coyotes and other mammals (e.g. raccoons and porcupines)

Size: 59–108 inches long (minus the tail, which is 21–36 inches)

Weight: 120–140 pounds

Top Speed: fifty mph

Boilerplate Life Span in the Wild: 8–13 years

Range: Primarily found in southwestern Canada, the western US, and almost all of Mexico and Central and South America. Pocket-sized numbers found in pockets of several other land, including Florida, where they are known as the "Florida panther", and Nebraska, every bit well as parts of central Canada. There have besides been sightings in Georgia, as well as North and South Carolina, and small populations are returning to states such as Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas.

Physical Description: Mountain lions are beautiful animals with tawny-colored coats (ranging from brown to reddish or grayish) and no markings. Their ears have black marks on the back, and their chests are white. They also have white fur around their oral fissure and on their neck, belly and inner legs.

Conservation Condition: Least Concern, population decreasing. Though the cougar population was nearly extirpated in most of its eastern Northward American range, it is globally listed as "Least Concern".

The mount lion goes past several names—puma, cougar, catamount, and panther—and is a powerful and feared predator.

Mountain lions have been known to set on humans. However, statistics show that on average, in that location are but four attacks and 1 expiry each twelvemonth in all of the The states and Canada. Mountain lions will be more than likely to attack a person who is lone or a small child.

Jaguar Spotted at the Three Brothers River in Brazil

Jaguar Spotted at the Three Brothers River in Brazil

5. Jaguar (Panthera onca)

Diet: deer, crocodiles, snakes, monkeys, sloths, tapirs, turtles, frogs, fish and eggs

Size: 60–72 inches long (minus the tail, which is 27–36 inches)

Weight: 79–211 pounds (just some developed males have weighed every bit much every bit 350 pounds!)

Acme Speed: 50 mph

Boilerplate Life Bridge in the Wild: 12–fifteen years

Range: from Mexico through Cardinal and South America

Physical Clarification: The jaguar resembles a leopard but is usually larger and more than sturdy. It has a broader head and shorter legs than the leopard. Their coat is normally xanthous or tan just can vary from brown to black as well. Their spots are more solid on their caput and cervix, becoming rosette-blazon patterns along their sides and dorsum (this is another way to tell jaguars and leopards autonomously—the rosettes on a jaguars' coats accept spots within them).

Conservation Status: The jaguar is listed as "Near Threatened". Sadly, though jaguars were once widespread in the Usa, only a few at present remain here. Their population has been virtually completely eliminated in the United States, though in that location are occasional sightings along the edge of Arizona and Mexico, with a group of eighty–120 being plant in remote areas of the Sonora Mountains. It is estimated that approximately fifteen,000 jaguars remain in the wild, with the greatest populations in Mexico and South America.

The jaguar is a solitary wild true cat and normally lives and hunts lonely. Their territory can range from between 19 to about 55 miles. Jaguars normally hunt on the footing, just will also climb trees and pounce on their prey from to a higher place. Like ocelots, jaguars also savor the water and will take hold of and eat fish. The jaguar has extremely powerful jaws and is known to pierce the skull of its prey, bitter directly into the brain.

Jaguar Stalking and Attacking Crocodile

six. Jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi)

Diet: rodents, rabbits, possums, armadillos, fowl (from quail to turkey), reptiles, amphibians, and farmer's chickens

Size: 21–30 inches long (minus the tail, which is 12–24 inches)

Weight: 6–20 pounds

Average Life Span in the Wild: 10–12 years

Range: from Mexico through Central and South America

Concrete Description: Jaguarundis look more than like weasels than the residuum of their feline family, with slender bodies, short legs and sleek coats. Their coloring ranges from blackness or chocolate-brown-gray to cerise, and a litter can contain whatever combination of the colors (though the darker colors ordinarily occur in the pelting forest and the lighter colors in more barren environments).

Conservation Status: Least Concern, population decreasing

Jaguarundis are solitary cats, though they occasionally travel in pairs, and different most other cats, they are generally almost active during the twenty-four hour period. Allegedly, they were once used to control rodent populations in Central America, though this is no longer the case.

Wildcats and Habitat Loss

Though most of these wildcats are quite elusive, habitat loss is pushing them into closer and closer contact with humans. To find out more about habitat loss and what you can do to fight information technology, visit The National Wildlife Federation'south website.

While wildcats (and other wildlife) are beingness forced to venture closer to urban areas, information technology's still fairly rare to come into contact with whatsoever of these felines. In any case, at least now you know a niggling more about the wonderful wildcats of Due north America.


  • Bobcat. (2022, September 21). National Geographic. Retrieved on December 12, 2022.
  • Lynx. (2022, September 24). National Geographic. Retrieved on Dec 12, 2022.
  • Basic Facts Almost Canada Lynx. (2016, September nineteen). Defenders of Wildlife. Retrieved December 12, 2022.
  • Ocelot. (2022, September 21). National Geographic. Retrieved on Dec 12, 2022.
  • Ocelot. (north.d.). San Diego Zoo. Retrieved December 12, 2022.
  • Cougar. (2022, September 21). National Geographic. Retrieved on December 12, 2022.
  • Jaguar. (2022, September 21). National Geographic. Retrieved on Dec 12, 2022.
  • The top 5 differences between jaguars and leopards. (2015, April 21). Wildcat Sanctuary. Retrieved December 12, 2022.
  • Jaguarundi Facts. (2022, January 18). Big Cat Rescue. Retrieved December 12, 2022.

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The Florida Panther - Facts and Conservation Efforts

Is the Florida Panther on the edge of extinction? Their numbers are growing but at a dull pace. In the 1970'south at that place were only known to be around 20 Florida panthers in the wild. In 2012, their numbers had increased to somewhere betwixt 100 to 160. Today, in 2022, according to the National Wild fauna Federation, in that location are still just betwixt 120 and 130.

Questions & Answers

Question: What species of cat is it that lives in the swamps of southern Louisiana? Its glaze is darker and it'southward stockier than the pictures I found of the Florida panther.

Answer: The merely wildcats that are known to be in southern Louisiana are the cougar and the bobcat.

© 2012 Sheila Brownish

Sheila Brownish (author) from Southern Oklahoma on October 09, 2022:

I'thousand sorry, Ken. I do not.

Bryan christopher kirshon on August 02, 2022:

I dearest cat'due south specially big cats like the largest cat throughout the americas the jaguar. Here kitty

Ken on May 15, 2022:

I have a hybrid cat she 1/4 Ocelot and 3/four house true cat. She eleven years old. As about 2 years ago she started to a little chip of her wild side. She is about 25 inches long non including the tail. She weighs almost 25 26 lbs. She started to turn orangish yellow. Like her mother. I was wondering if you had any information well-nigh hybrid cats?

Bevin Jayawadena on April 28, 2022:

But i thought they were extinct.

Sheila Dark-brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on May 20, 2022:

That's great, JC. I am glad to hear that their range is improving! Thank you lot for your annotate! :)

Sheila Brown (writer) from Southern Oklahoma on May xx, 2022:

I would not say that it is impossible. :)

JC on May 07, 2022:

The Eastern Cougar is far from extinct. They both males and females as well as their young are all over the place in SC. As a matter of fact nosotros have some shots of them on our game-cam.

ghh on May 02, 2022:

my uncle swears he saw a mountain king of beasts in south Carolina is that possible

CarlaC on Apr 12, 2022:

I saw a black panther in OK a few years ago. I'm glad to know others have seen them every bit well.

Rhett.rotten on January 04, 2022:

I've seen black panthers in Oklahoma, and species with completely different characteristics not name or either hybrids, Kansas as well up to Montana

Judy Willis on September 12, 2022:

About 6 years agone this calendar month we had an Ocelot jump the fence e into the Dorsum M of our North east Mesa home in LasSendasnot more then vii miles from saguaro Lake. It was a beauty I am familiar with them know this was one.

moonlake from America on February xiv, 2022:

We had a cougar living shut to us. 1 early morning when it was nevertheless dark my husband was snowfall blowing. He came dorsum along the drive and the lights on his machine fell on tracks in the snowfall. A cougar had been trailing behind him.

In the spring the cougar was seen with piffling ones.

People use to also proceed ocelots as pets. We utilize to meet them when we lived in Calif.

Enjoyed your hub.

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on February 14, 2022:

I did mention the Florida panthers, (The cougars population was well-nigh extirpated in most of its eastern North American range, except for Florida where in that location is a subspecies referred to as the Florida panther,). The mount lion goes past several names. He is likewise knows as puma, cougar, catamount, and panther. There is an entire segment nigh the mountain lion... :)

marshall on February 14, 2022:

you left out the small population of (Floridian) panthers left, and the eastern puma (if y'all count recently extinct), and mountain lions

Adi on Jan 29, 2022:

Mac is wrong, she didn't "forget" panthers. The term "panther" doesn't denote a specific classification of cats, it's a term that'due south used in various ways in reference to large cats of several dissimilar species. Most commonly, it refers to melanistic leopards and jaguars. What Mac is thinking of is the "Florida panther", which is one of the several regional names for cougars aka mountain lions. The section on mountain lions notes that they are known past several names, including panther.

Leen on December xiii, 2017:

The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas.

Mac on December 07, 2017:

She forgot Panthers they live on Florida and spotted in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina

Im Everbody on November 26, 2017:

typo report:

they have been illegally hung to the point should read illegally hunted

Confounded on Nov 03, 2017:

Actually cougar are more prevalent in the western and northwestern function of the Us where in some places like eastern Oregon they number every bit many as a pair per foursquare mile. Many people in the blue mountains, sierras, elkhorns, cascade ranges, the Rockies all take prevalent cougar populations and see them on a regular basis

Perplexed1 on October 17, 2017:

How about jaguars and jaguarundis. They live in Mexico and Primal America, which terminal I checked, are part of North America?

albert on October 02, 2017:

i love ricegum


SR on September 28, 2017:

You need to exercise you lot're inquiry. I live in Oregon and cougars are all over. Just three months ago we saw one down the road from u.s.a. in Newport Oregon, two nights ago one was hitting by a car five min from my firm. I hunt every year and either hear or meet them in the wood. I likewise accept a friend who holds the record for largest true cat killed with a bow by a woman in Oregon. Currently in Oregon at that place are over an estimated half-dozen,500 lions living here with almost existence in the western half.

K.Anne on April fifteen, 2017:

There are good introductions here and great pictures of these big cats. I would similar to ask y'all to report further the mount lions or pumas, every bit I believe some of the information provided may exist outdated or incomplete. I grew up in Northern CA and have spent a career (xxx years equally a professional) working in the wild environment in that location. I don't know that I would call mountain lions common, but there is a salubrious population inside the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Mountains. They are a magnificent animal, intelligent and curious. I am perplexed at the fearfulness people have for these animals. The key to living in lion country is respect them, and don't act like prey. Having spent 50 years living, hiking, skiing, backpacking, and sharing their habitat, from small cities to an isolated wilderness motel, I have been blessed to just see a mountain lion three times. Each time every bit presently as they were aware of my presence they disappeared into the wood. I have seen many bobcats, but the lions were more elusive. Usually if we see a king of beasts that has become a nuisance or danger inside a neighborhood, it is either a younger king of beasts newly independent from its mother, and has not successfully plant its own territory; or an older king of beasts which is having problem hunting and surviving due to the infirmity of age.

These wonderful cats are being crowded and endangered past loss of habitat and mankind's actions. Mountain lion attacks on people in North America are rare, and deaths are few. Yous CAN fight off a mountain lion (different a bear) if you become the chance. I fearfulness unknown, loose big breed domestic dogs (which are responsible for far more attacks including fatalities every twelvemonth within the U.S.) much more than the mountain lions that share the forest around my dwelling house (I know of one female which has an established territory which my home is in, and a male that wanders through occasionally).

Thank you for allowing my long mail service. Keep upwardly the dandy articles.

Aaron on March 23, 2017:

What about jaguars? Several sighted in Arizona, mutual in Mexico

Kylun on Nov xviii, 2016:

this article is very informative and very trustworthy. thank you sgbrown for this commodity

Sheila Brownish (author) from Southern Oklahoma on May 24, 2015:

Thank you Taranwanderer. I appreciate you lot stopping past and commenting.

Susie Lehto from Minnesota on January 21, 2015:

Very informative page, Sheila. I do go to see a Ferrell, Puma and Bobcat effectually here on occasion. They tend to stay articulate of humans, and that is probably smart on their role. Voted up!

poetryman6969 on November 17, 2014:

I had a bobcat walk through my garden the other morning. It was surprisingly small but you could non mistake it for a common house cat though it was not much larger. The ears are quite different and it goes about hunting in a no nonsense way.

Nigh house cats I have seen wonder when you are going to do something useful like feed them. Else, get lost.

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on May 18, 2013:

Howdy Indian Chef! Tigers are one of my favorites too. Of the four wildcats in North America, we have many bobcats effectually where I live. I have seen several of them here on our identify. Now people are saying that they are seeing the Mountain Panthera leo around here also, this scares me a picayune as they are first-class hunters and very big. I go walking in the woods by myself quite oftentimes, this may be becoming dangerous at present. There was another reported sighting of a mount lion merely a few miles from united states of america last week. I would love to meet ane, but from afar! Thanks for stopping past and I appreciate your kind words and support! Have a wonderful day! :)

Indian Chef from New Delhi India on May 17, 2013:

Hullo Mrs Chocolate-brown, I like big cats and tigers are my fav. I like lions too. Out of 4 you mentioned I similar mount lion. The cats are supreme predators, from their optics to their toes to their tail, everything looks like made for the hunt. Very good hub. Voting it up and sharing hither.

Sheila Brownish (author) from Southern Oklahoma on March 28, 2013:

Hi Gus! Usually feral cats don't get that large. Mayhap it was a cross between a feral true cat and a bobcat, I don't know. I Do know what words would accept come out of my mouth and I bet they were about the same! LOL Thanks for the visit and the story, it was a practiced one! :)

Gustave Kilthau from USA on March 27, 2013:

Hello Sheila (sgbrown) -

One fourth dimension nosotros lived on a cattle subcontract where at that place stood a big barn. We used to go inside the barn to shoot rats, of which there were a gazillion. On one such visit to the befouled I heard a loud screeching yowl from what was surely a big (BIG) cat. I looked up at the hayloft and there information technology was - Large - merely it was a domestic cat, white and blackness fur and the usual house cat look but for its huge size. I did not say, "Hello kitty, kitty." I said, " See you some other time..." and maybe a few other adept words that come to mind at times similar that. :-)

Gus :-)))

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on March 27, 2013:

Hi Peggy! I have to say that I would beloved to see a cougar in the wild, but I would exist soooo SCARED at the same time. It's probably a good thing that there were more people than just the 2 of you lot. I bet that was an amazing experience! Thanks for stopping in and the votes and share! Have a wonderful twenty-four hours! :)

Peggy Wood from Houston, Texas on March 27, 2013:

Hi Sheila,

This was a fascinating await at the wildcats of Northward America. The only one that I take ever seen in the wild was in Yosemite National Park. My German girlfriend and I were hiking along a path and another person actually spotted the head and shoulders of a cougar behind a rock non that far away from the path. His coloration composite in perfectly with the colors of the rock and he was motionless. We paused a moment to look at him equally did others on the path...and of a sudden he disappeared from view. It was an amazing feel. UUI votes and sharing.

Sheila Brownish (writer) from Southern Oklahoma on February 27, 2013:

Hello adh071185! The only wild cat I have actually seen in the wild, so far, is the bobcat. I did get to run across ane crossing the back of our identify a few years ago. It was very exciting! My hubby has seen many of them, when he deer hunts out dorsum. I would love to run into more! Thank you lot for your kind annotate and welcome to HubPages. I look frontwards to meet you publish some hubs hither! :)

Aaron from Southern United States on February 27, 2013:

A very interesting hub with expert facts. Equally an avid hiker and backpacker I accept had occasion to run across a few of these animals and believe me yous never forget the feel.

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on February 18, 2013:

Hello Indian Chef! I love the "big cats". They are all then beautiful and majestic! I would have loved to see the Asiatic Panthera leo! Thank yous for your kind words and comment. Have a wonderful twenty-four hour period! :)

Indian Chef from New Delhi India on February 18, 2013:

Wonderful Hub. I come from India which is domicile of big cats and I love cats. Usually our cats ( domestic or simple cats not big cats) are not big. But large cats like tiger and lions and cheetas are wonderful. I went to Gir National park and I saw an Asiatic King of beasts there sitting in open up. Information technology was such a magnificient site.

Sheila Chocolate-brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on January 23, 2013:

Hello DDE! Cheers for stopping by and commenting, it is always appreciated! :)

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Republic of croatia on Jan 23, 2013:

Incredible cats their color and patterns are unique, y'all informed me correctly

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on January 07, 2013:

Hullo FullOfLoveSites! I would dearest to do the same thing! I would love to have an ocelot too! They are just about the right size! Thanks for stopping in and commenting! Information technology is always appreciated! :)

FullOfLoveSites from United States on January 07, 2013:

I wish I could make any of these gorgeous wild cats a pet and a guard cat at the same time. The ocelot is cute!

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on December 18, 2012:

Hello Terrye! I would have loved to run into that mountain lion. Equally long every bit it wasn't too up close! :) Thank you for stopping in, commenting and voting! Have a beautiful twenty-four hour period! :)

Terrye Toombs from Somewhere betwixt Sky and Hell without a road map. on Dec 18, 2012:

Fantastic hub, SG! I really saw a mount lion in an orchard in Visalia, CA in 2002. I was shocked and amazed! It was huge! :) Loved all the information in this. Voted up and more.

Sheila Brown (writer) from Southern Oklahoma on December xv, 2012:

Hello Jenn-Anne! I have seen two bobcats, at dissimilar times, walk across our lawn before. It was crawly! One of my sons was sitting in a tree stand deer hunting one forenoon when he looked around and saw a bobcat watching him from the tree next to him. He said he about vicious out of the tree! The bobcat just jumped downward and walked off. He will never forget that! Thanks for stopping in and the vote upwardly! Have a great twenty-four hours! :)

Jenn-Anne on Dec 15, 2012:

What beautiful animals! I saw a bobcat once many years agone. Information technology was forth the side of the route and slipped into the woods as I drove by. I only caught a fleeting glimpse merely I've never forgotten it. Informative hub. Voted up!

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on December xiv, 2012:

Howdy RTalloni! I love wildcats. I have had to be reminded that they are wild creatures as well. The bobcats around here do keep the mice and field rat population downwardly, but they also eat the quail that is trying to make a come up back here. Of course, hubby would never shoot one of them, information technology's more of a "let nature take it's course" affair. No one I know personally has ever seen a mount lion around hither, so I am not sure there are any. I have never seen any tracks either. I would really detest to have to stop taking my walks alone in the woods.

Thank you lot for your kind words! Hub hugs dorsum to you, my friend! :)

RTalloni on December thirteen, 2012:

Sure enjoyed seeing these cats highlighted here--such beautiful creatures they are! Seeing them motion and watching their warning optics in the videos was pure joy. I am one who would take to be reminded that they are wild animals, and predators at that.

The fact that big cats help go on the rodent population down, and even assistance with the coyote population makes them invaluable. The rodents and coyotes tin can practise a great bargain of harm as well every bit carry diseases via fleas and ticks that impale other animals and people.

Though I'grand sure there are hunters who kill some of these cats, the hunters I know would not practice so unless they were attacked by one, which is very unlikely. Farmers are a different story but they mostly only protect their families and farm animals from predators, though I am certain that some go sadly beyond the need to do and so.

The data y'all've shared is interesting--an enjoyable hub here, thanks!

Sheila Brownish (author) from Southern Oklahoma on November 21, 2012:

Hello again mperrottet! :) I have seen 2 bobcats here where I live in Oklahoma, but my married man has seen many. I expected them to be a chip bigger myself, but they are about the size of a very big firm cat. They are actually beautiful likewise! Yeah, the Florida Panther is on the endangered listing. Now that is just the "Florida Panther", not the cougar/puma that is found in other parts of the US. Thanks for visiting my hubs. I appreciated your comments and votes! Once again, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and exist safe if you travel! :)

Margaret Perrottet from San Antonio, FL on Nov 21, 2012:

Interesting, informative hub. I've seen lots of wild fauna, but never a wildcat. I didn't realize that bobcats were and so small. I was wondering - is the Florida panther endangered likewise? Great hub - voted up and interesting.

Sheila Brown (writer) from Southern Oklahoma on November 16, 2012:

Howdy Sharkye11! I apologize for the filibuster in replying to your annotate here. I take had some figurer bug today. Hopefully take them resolved now. I have seen bobcats in my backyard, just never a mountain lion! Actually, that would scare the hell out of me! Yous need to write a hub almost that, I would love to hear all nigh it! Thank you for stopping in, reading and your peachy annotate here! Have a not bad day and stay away from the mountain lions, Delight! :)

Jayme Kinsey from Oklahoma on November 16, 2012:

I have never seen an ocelot in person. I accept had the honor to see the others, (the lynx was in a zoo, the bobcat and mountain lion were upward close and personal in my backyard!) I dear the pictures in this hub! Voting up and more than!

Sheila Dark-brown (writer) from Southern Oklahoma on November 11, 2012:

Thanks bravewarrior! It is so sad that our wildcats are being hunted for fiscal gain. I take never heard of anyone hunting wildcats for nutrient. Some people just don't care, all they think nigh is coin. I'm glad your enjoyed my hub and I thank yous for your wonderful comment! Have a wonderful solar day! :)

Shauna 50 Bowling from Central Florida on November eleven, 2012:

Shiela, what an astonishing, although sorry hub! I accept always been fascinated by wildcats. This is probably why I'one thousand a cat lover and prefer them to dogs (I accept 3 cats). It is then sad to see what is happening to this majectic animal. They are being hunted for pure sport and financial gain. Not one of these videos mentioned hunting them for food.

We however accept a few cougars, sometimes chosen Florida Panthers, living in the Everglades. Information technology's a shame what Human being is doing to Nature's bicycle.

I found it rather fascinating to learn the departure betwixt 'bottom' cats and the larger lions, tigers, etc. I was unaware of the purring versus roaring capabilities.

Cheers for this most informative article. The videos were a nice learning tool, likewise.

Sheila Dark-brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on November ten, 2012:

Hello Larry. I take heard that the cougar are getting into areas that either they are new to or their presence only hasn't been documented yet. They say that we don't have cougars in my area, buy several people have reported seeing them. Cheers for useful comment, I volition endeavour to incorporate your information into my hub. Have a great day! :)

Larry Arseneau on November x, 2012:

Don't know how much u have researched but there are many

Cougar in both Oregon and Washinton. I accept seen several

during my many years of hunting and roaming the woods...


Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on Nov 06, 2012:

Hullo tsadjatko! No, I didn't know virtually the Pixiebobs. That is very interestesting! I had non heard of the Bengal cats either. This data would make a dandy hub. You know more about these new species than I and it is your idea, perhaps yous should write the hub on this. :) I would exist excited to read it! Give thanks you so much for stopping in and reading and leaving such wonderful and informational annotate! :)

The Logician from and then to now on on Nov 06, 2012:

Not bad and interesting hub. Did you know they have crossed Bobcats with domestic cats and adult a domestic brood called Pixiebobs? This is also what they've done with the Serval to create Savanah Cats and the Asian Leopard Cat to give a very pop domestic spotted breed called Bengal cats. A hub on those three breeds would be very interesting and beautiful.

Sheila Brownish (author) from Southern Oklahoma on November 01, 2012:

Hullo Mary! I was replying to your kind comment and I'yard not sure what happened, but everything disappeared. I just desire y'all to know how much I appreciarte your kind words and all your support. Thank for your votes and share! Take a wonderful twenty-four hours! :)

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on Nov 01, 2012:

Hello Au fait! I love wild cats as well. We have bob cats here, simply I have merely seen one twice. One of my sons was sitting in a tree stand during deer season and heard something move close past. When he looked in the tree beside hime, there sat a bob true cat. Scared the crap out of him! He was agape to move. The bob cat jumped downwards and but walked off. Me and his dad couldn't aid but laugh. Thank you for stopping in and leaving such an interesting annotate. I enjoyed it! Thank you for the votes and share too! Accept a wonderful day! :)

Neb De Giulio from Massachusetts on November 01, 2012:

Hi Sheila. I take always loved these cats. Nosotros actually had a Bobcat sighted nearby last week. He/she was only beautiful. Would dear to see an Ocelot. Groovy job. VU, sharing, etc.

Mary Craig from New York on November 01, 2012:

Wonderful data on some of the most beautiful cats. How sad they, similar so many others, are beingness driven out. You did a stellar chore of giving us then much information on each of them. I have to agree the ocelot is a beautiful cat!

Voted upward, useful, and interesting.

C E Clark from North Texas on November 01, 2012:

I beloved cats, especially wild cats. Where I grew upwardly in central Wisconsin we had lynx and bobcats roaming around and sometimes they would scream at night and the hair would raise up on the back of your neck. The lynx especially, sounded just like a woman screaming as though her life were in danger.

Fantabulous hub. Beautiful photos. Voted up, interesting, and shared!

Sheila Chocolate-brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on October 28, 2012:

How-do-you-do Alastar! Thank you. I love animals and learning new things nigh them then sharing that information. Nosotros accept heard several stories most mountain lions being in our area, simply I think that is mostly someone's imagination. I haven't heard of anyone finding whatever tracks or animals being plant dead. I understand they are making a comeback and I am very glad. I hate to see whatsoever animals on the verge of extinction. I would personally dear to see an ocelot in the wild. Thanks for stopping in and commenting, it is always appreciated! Accept a great day! :)

Alastar Packer from North Carolina on October 28, 2012:

Very fine compilation on the cats, Shelia. Cool vids besides. The mountain lions are making a improvement in many places they were one time thought extinct. Many sightings and show from right here in N.C. and elsewhere in the due south. Anyway all these beautiful creatures deserve and belong in what nature is left to them.

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on October 25, 2012:

Hello Grandmapearl! Thank you for your kind comment! Yes, delight be careful when walking in the woods. You really need to take someone with you lot, or at least a big dog. I am going to worry about you now! Thanks for stopping in and all your support, I really appreciate you lot! :)

Connie Smith from Southern Tier New York State on October 25, 2012:

Hi sgbrown! This is a very informative and interesting commodity. I particularly love the ocelot. What a beautiful fauna.

Not too long ago, a few mountain lions were introduced into the nearby area considering of the large deer population. Every bit a result, I keep a sharp eye out when I'm walking in the woods!

Voted this ane Upwardly, Useful, Interesting and Cute. Thanks for sharing all this expert info!

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on October 25, 2012:

Hello AliciaC! You are very welcome. I am glad you enjoyed my hub. I beloved anything to do with animals and nature. Thank you for your kind words! Take a wonderful day! :)

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on October 25, 2012:

Thanks for all the information and for sharing the beautiful photos and videos, sgbrown. These cats are fascinating animals! Your hub is informative and very enjoyable.

Sheila Brown (writer) from Southern Oklahoma on Oct 24, 2012:

How-do-you-do Rachel! Thank you! I would not be surprised to run into a mountain lion near anywhere these days. Give thanks you for stopping in and commenting. I ever relish hearing from you! Take a wonderful day! :)

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on Oct 24, 2012:

Hello Eddy! Thank you for stopping in and commenting, information technology is always appreciated! Have a wonderful day too! :)

Rachel Koski Nielsen from Pennsylvania to Minnesota on October 24, 2012:

Very cool hub! I could almost swear that I saw a mountain lion when I was a child on a car ride from PA to Wisconsin. My begetter thought I was just sleepy, merely boy I tell ya, this thing looked similar a mount panthera leo! Guess information technology actually couldn't accept been :) Anyhow, great hub!

Eiddwen from Wales on October 24, 2012:

An amazing hub and give thanks you for sharing.

Savour your 24-hour interval.


Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on October 24, 2012:

How-do-you-do Ballad! I have seen 2 bobcats myself, hither in Oklahoma. Housecats however have that natural wild instinct, don't they. I most brought habitation a baby bobcat that was institute alone in the wild in one case. ( I wasn't the one that found it.) But at the time I lived in town and that would not have worked out well. Thank you for stopping in, commenting and voting. I always appreciate hearing from you!

carol stanley from Arizona on October 24, 2012:

I take seen a bobcat in Arizona. I look at my little housecats and know they have that wildness inbred somewhere. Watching them fight I know they exercise. This was very interesting and now I know where they all are. Voting up++++

Sheila Brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on October 24, 2012:

How-do-you-do Faith Reaper! Thank you for your kind words. I take also learned some things from "Dora". We watch her three days a week with our youngest granddaughter hither! LOL I guess we are never to old to learn something new! Thanks for your comment and votes. I always love hearing from you! Have a blessed day! Oh and congratulations on your new grandchild! :)

Faith Reaper from southern U.s. on Oct 24, 2012:

Oh what beautiful creatures and imagery you lot have hither. I did non know of all of these except the mountain lion, cougar, and bobcat. I leanred of the puma, sad to say, while watching "Dora the Explorer" with my granddaughters. LOL The Ocelt is so very beautiful. Thanks for this fantabulous hub hither. Voted up, upwards, upwardly . . .

God Bless. In His Dearest, Faith Reaper

Sheila Chocolate-brown (author) from Southern Oklahoma on October 23, 2012:

I accept seen a bobcat in the wild, merely not a cougar. But and so, I don't alive in "cougar" country. Some people say they have seen "panthers" in this surface area. I don't go walking in the land without a pistol anymore. I'thou sure they cougar ran away as he felt threatened by several people. I'm glad the human was not alone! Thank y'all for stopping in, voting and leaving such an interesting comment. I appreciate information technology very much! :)

Larry Fields from Northern California on Oct 23, 2012:

Hullo sgbrown. Several years agone, some of my outdoor friends did the short Silver Creek hike, in California's Northern Sierra Foothills. When the trail petered out they sat down and ate lunch. The wind was blowing toward the people, and the noise of the running water drowned out whatsoever of their noises. An older admirer in the grouping spotted a cougar. He stood up and said: Expect, there'south a mountain lion! Then the big true cat ran away. So much for the rex of the jungle.

Voted up and interesting.

Small Cat Like Wild Animal That Looks Like a Racoon



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